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Stormy Isles, originally published in Portuguese in 1944 an set in Azores between 1917 and 1919, focuses on the vivacious and sharp Margarida, who, at twenty years of age, is a model of feminist aspirations, and the paragon of her generation. A member of the elite, she foregoes some of the entitlements of her class and struggles with the morals of the bourgeois society in which her life unfolds.

Narrated in realistic and poetic language as a series of interconnected tales within a larger tale, Stormy Isles provides a rich, vivid portrait of the Azores in the early twentieth century.

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Vitorino Nemésio

Escritor português natural da Ilha Terceira, nos Açores (1901-1978), foi professor da Faculdade de Letras de Lisboa. Colaborou na revista Presença e dirigiu a Revista de Portugal. Poeta, ficcionista, ensaísta, cronista, crítico literário, recebeu o Prémio Nacional de Literatura em 1966. De entre as suas obras, são de destacar Festa Redonda (1950), Nem Toda a Noite a Vida (1952), O Pão e a Culpa (1955), O Verbo e a Morte (1959), O Cavalo Encantado (1963), Canto da Véspera (1966), Sapateia Açoriana (1976) e ainda o romance Mau Tempo no Canal (1944)

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