
Hitler's Empire: Nazi Rule in Occupied Europe

Mark Mazower

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Mark Mazower's Hitler's Empire is a provocative account of the rise and fall of Nazi Europe by one of Britain's leading historians.

Hitler's empire was the largest, most brutal and most ambitious reshaping of Europe in history. Inspired by the imperial legacy of those such as the British, the Third Reich cast its shadow from the Channel Islands to the Caucasus and ruled hundreds of millions. Yet, as Mark Mazower's groundbreaking new account shows, it was an empire built on an illusion.

From Hitler's plans for vast motorways crossing an ethnically cleansed Russian steppe, to dreams of a German super-economy rivalling America's, Mazower reveals the lethal fusion of mass murder, modern managerialism and colossal incompetence that underpinned the Nazi New Order. Ultimately Hitler's empire ended up consuming its own, leaving destruction in its wake and finishing not just with the downfall of Germany, but an entire continent.

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Mark Mazower

Historiador, formado em Oxford (1988), que se especializou em história da Europa e história internacional. Além deste O Continente das Trevas. O Século XX na Europa (Dark Continent: Europe's 20th Century (1998), entre os vários títulos que publicou incluem-se Inside Hitler's Greece: The Experience of Occupation, 1941-44 (1993);; The Balkans (2000); e After the War was Over: Reconstructing the Family, Nation and State in Greece, 1943-1960 (2000); Governing the World. The History of an Idea (2013). Pela sua obra Salonica City of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims and Jews, 1430-1950 (2004) recebeu o Duff Cooper Prize. O Império de Hitler. O Domínio Nazi na Europa Ocupada (Hitler’s Empire: Nazi Rule in Occupied Europe, 2008), também publicado por Edições 70, recebeu em 2008 o prémio do LA Times para o melhor livro de história. É, também, membro da Academia Americana de Artes e Ciências e diretor do Centro de História Internacional da Universidade de Colúmbia, além de contribuir regularmente com artigos e recensões sobre história e relações internacionais para várias publicações, entre as quais o Financial Times, o Guardian, a London Review of Books, The Nation e The New Republic.

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