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Detalhes do Produto


He was no longer Jean Valjean, but No. 24601’ Major new translation by Christine Donougher. Part of Penguin's beautiful hardback Clothbound Classics series, designed by the award-winning Coralie Bickford-Smith, these delectable and collectible editions are bound in high-quality colourful, tactile cloth with foil stamped into the design. Published to coincide with the 150th anniversary of the novel's first publication in 1862, and with a major new film starring Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe and Anne Hathaway, directed by Tom Hooper.

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Victor Hugo

Victor Hugo (1802 -1885) foi um romancista, poeta, dramaturgo, ensaísta, artista, estadista e ativista pelos direitos humanos francês de grande atuação política no seu país. Autor dos romances, "Os Miseráveis", "O Homem que Ri", "O Corcunda de Notre-Dame", "Cantos do Crepúsculo", entre outras obras célebres. Grande representante do Romantismo, foi eleito para a Academia Francesa.

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