
Crush It! : Why NOW Is the Time to Cash In on Your Passion

Gary Vaynerchuk

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Do you have a hobby you wish you could do all day? An obsession that keeps you up at night? Now is the perfect time to take those passions and make a living doing what you love. In CRUSH IT! Why NOW Is The Time To Cash In On Your Passion, Gary Vaynerchuk shows you how to use the power of the Internet to turn your real interests into real businesses. Gary spent years building his family business from a local wine shop into a national industry leader. Then one day he turned on a video camera, and by using the secrets revealed in this book, transformed his entire life and earning potential by building his personal brand. By the end of this book, any reader will have learned how to harness the power of the Internet to make their entrepreneurial dreams come true. Step by step, CRUSH IT! is the ultimate driver′s manual for modern business.

Gary Vaynerchuk has captured attention with his pioneering, multi-faceted approach to personal branding and business. After primarily utilizing traditional advertising techniques to build his family′s local retail wine business into a national industry leader, Gary rapidly leveraged social media tools such as Twitter and Facebook to promote Wine Library TV,, his video blog about wine. Gary has always had an early-to-market approach, launching Wine Library′s retail website in 1997 and Wine Library TV in February of 2006. His lessons on social media, passion, transparency, and reactionary business are not to be missed!

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Gary Vaynerchuk

Gary Vaynerchuk nasceu em 1975 na Bielorrússia e emigrou com os seus pais para os EUA ainda criança.

Desde cedo evidenciou ter um grande espírito empreendedor, mas foi aos 23 anos que se afirmou definitivamente, quando começou a trabalhar a tempo inteiro na loja de vinhos do seu pai. Rapidamente se tornou um especialista no ramo e transformou o pequeno negócio de família numa empresa líder em todo o país: em apenas oito anos aumentou a faturação de 4 para 50 milhões de dólares. Tal sucesso fez de Gary uma referência do empreendedorismo nos EUA.

Em fevereiro de 2006 lançou a Wine Libray TV, o vídeoblogue sobre vinhos que o tornou uma das personalidades mais influentes da Internet.

A par do sucesso profissional, o seu carisma e a postura informal e pouco convencional na análise dos vinhos deram-lhe um enorme mediatismo, catapultando-o para os principais programas televisivos dos EUA.

Gary foi considerado pela Business Week um dos 20 empreendedores a seguir e eleito pela Forbes um dos 25 nomes mais influentes da Internet.

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