
Bridgerton: The Viscount Who Loved Me

Julia Quinn

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The second book in the beloved and globally bestselling Bridgerton Family, now a series created by Shondaland for Netflix. Welcome to Anthony's story . . .

1814 promises to be another eventful season, but not, This Author believes, for Anthony Bridgerton, London's most elusive bachelor, who has shown no indication that he plans to marry. And in all truth, why should he? When it comes to playing the consummate rake, nobody does it better... Lady Whistledown's Society Papers, April 1814
Anthony Bridgerton needs a wife.
Having spent his twenties in a rakish pursuit of pleasure (whilst taking care to ensure the financial security of his mother and seven younger siblings and mother) he knows it's high time he settled down and ensured the continuation of the Bridgerton line.
Edwina Sheffield is considered the most beautiful debutante of the current season. She is also sweet, innocent and eminently biddable - Anthony is sure she'll make a perfectly acceptable wife and vows to make her his.
The only obstacle in his way is Edwina's older sister, Kate. Kate is determined to do all she can to allow her sister the chance to marry for love rather than convenience. And the roguish viscount is beginning to think he may have met his match in Kate's keen wit and sharp tongue. Until, that is, he makes the mistake of kissing her...
Find out why readers love Julia Quinn . . .

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Julia Quinn

"Julia Quinn é uma das escritoras de romance mais queridas em todo o mundo. A sua determinação em contrariar o mito de que as mulheres inteligentes não leem nem escrevem literatura romântica levou-a a participar no concurso O Elo Mais Fraco, arrecadando o jackpot de 79 mil dólares (provou igualmente a sua ignorância em matérias como Desporto ou Música Country, mas de resto portou-se muito bem!). Traduzidos para vinte e nove línguas, todos os seus romances integram de imediato a lista de bestsellers do New York Times, com especial destaque para a Série Bridgerton, que se encontra neste momento a ser produzida para a Netflix e está publicada na íntegra pela ASA. A autora foi já várias vezes galardoada com os prémios Romantic Times e RITA da Romance Writers of America, tendo sido a mais jovem autora a entrar para o Hall of Fame dessa associação. Vive com a família na costa oeste dos Estados Unidos."

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