
Unravelling Neurosciences Today - Livro em Homenagem ao Professor Doutor Alexandre Castro Caldas


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"Unravelling neurosciences today" constitui a justa homenagem à carreira do Professor Alexandre Castro Caldas.
Uma obra organizada por Ana Mineiro, António Medina de Almeida, Margarida Vieira e Marlene Barros onde 34 investigadores prestam tributo a Castro Caldas.

Unravelling Neurosciences Today is a tribute to Professor Alexandre Castro Caldas. This book has papers from fellow researchers, former students and colleagues who shared paths with Professor Castro Caldas throughout his extensive academic career.
Throughout his career, he worked and collaborated with numerous renowned scientists, some of whom paid tribute to him in this book through unpublished scientific and opinion articles. The first part of this book contains articles, ordered alphabetically, by fellow researchers and colleagues who worked and/or collaborated with Professor Alexandre Castro Caldas. The second part, also ordered alphabetically, contains the articles by his former doctoral and post-doctoral students which deal with common research interests. In the third and final part there is a tribute by a Brazilian colleague.

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