
Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine


3 dias

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41,09 € 45,65 €

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Space has been breathed into the design, with more core material at your fingertips in quick-reference lists and flow diagrams, and key references have been honed to the most up-to-date and relevant. Each page has been updated to reflect the latest changes in practice and best management, and the chapters on gastroenterology, history and examination, infectious disease, neurology, and radiology have been extensively revised.

Unique among medical texts, the "Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine" is a complete and concise guide to the core areas of medicine that also encourages thinking about the world from the patient's perspective, offering a holistic, patient-centred approach. Loved and trusted by millions for over three decades, the "Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine" continues to be a truly indispensable companion for the practice of modern medicine.

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