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Detalhes do Produto


Illustrated investigation of the forces fighting today's civil war in Ukraine, including Russian regular and clandestine units.

Using his extensive contacts in both Russia and Ukraine, and access to a mass of official and unofficial sources, Mark Galeotti presents a thorough and intriguing primer on all the forces involved in the ongoing conflict in the Ukraine. Supported by specially commissioned artwork, he analyzes both the progress of the war, and what it teaches us about Russia's current military capabilities.

In February 2014, street protests in Kiev and other Ukrainian cities led to the ousting of the Russian-backed President Yanukovych. The so-called Euromaidan Revolution saw many changes to the Ukraine's constitution, but the violent reaction in the east and south of the country led to armed counter-revolution, unofficially backed by Russia.

This conflict is the essential example of Russia's new policy of "hybrid warfare", which blends propaganda, misinformation, and the deployment of "deniable" Special Forces and regular troops alongside proxies and mercenaries to achieve its strategic ends.

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Mark Galeotti

Nascido no Reino Unido em 1965, Mark Galeotti é hoje um dos grandes especialistas em questões russas. Antes de assumir a função de investigador no Instituto de Relações Internacionais de Praga, foi, entre outros cargos, professor na Universidade de Nova Iorque e conselheiro especial do Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros britânico. Estudou História na Universidade de Cambridge e doutorou-se em Política na London School of Economics. Assinou mais de uma dezena de livros e colabora regularmente com a imprensa e a televisão.

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