
Branding Back to Basics - Brand Management 0.0

Fernando Pinto Santos, Ricardo Mena

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Brands are everywhere and everywhere they are seen as essential to success. However, when we need to create and manage a brand, we often don’t quite know which way to turn. What should we really do? Different perspectives on brands abound. Commonplaces and superficial ideas too.
When was the last time you saw a brand? Maybe you’ve never seen one.
Maybe what you’ve seen was a product, a package, an advertisement... right? And when was the last time you interacted with a brand? Maybe, at a guess, you have interacted with someone at a point of sale or a customer helpline... but never really with a brand?
After all, what are brands? How can we define them? What is really important in their management? The answers to these and many more questions are on the pages of this book.

“This fresh and useful book offers great advice: ‘focus on your product or service’. Great branding is about reality, not just image.”
Robert Jones, Professor of Brand Leadership

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Fernando Pinto Santos

Fernando Pinto Santos é doutorado em Gestão pela Aalto University, na Finlândia. É professor adjunto e diretor do Mestrado Global e do Mestrado em Marketing e Tecnologia no IPAM Porto.

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Ricardo Mena

Ricardo Mena é doutorado em Comunicação e Publicidade pela Universidade de Vigo. É professor do IPAM e Coordenador da pós-graduação em Branding do IADE e IPAM.

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